Your organization requires IT to help it drive innovation, profitability, and security. At the same time, your IT environment is complex and needs quality services to support the business.
Bird Rock Systems recognizes that every organization’s networking, wireless, and data environments are unique. We use our decades of experience in building advanced technology infrastructure to serve the individual requirements of your organization with world class customer service, industry-leading technical solutions, and specialized training.
As technology advocates dedicated to building strong relationships, Bird Rock Systems goes above and beyond for our loyal customers. Holding a strong culture of life balance, integrity, and giving back to our community, Bird Rock Systems strives to Make IT Better!
- Business Type
- MSP (Managed Service Provider)
- CSP (Cloud Service Provider)
- MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider)
- Systems Integrator
- Consultant
- Solution Types
- Cloud Solutions
- Hybrid Cloud Solutions
- On prem devices Storage and Servers
- Cyber Security
- Cloud Solutions
- Azure
- Industries Supported
- Manufacturing
- Banking/Finance/Insurance
- Retail/Hospitality
- Construction
- Education
- Healthcare/Pharma
- Legal/Accounting
- Agriculture